Our extensive experience in auditing financial statements will ensure proper audit of the annual statutory financial statements using International Standards on Auditing (ISA) by carrying out independent examination of books, accounts, statutory records, documents and vouchers of an organisation to ascertain as to whether the financial statements as well as non-financial disclosures present a true and fair view and comply with the Companies Act Legislation.
Our audit methodology is designed to comply with the International Standards on Auditing and align with new standards, as necessary.
Audit does not only help assurance of compliance with applicable reporting standards, but there are also important by-products of the audit process such as the identification of internal management issues and important insights that can help you address both present and future challenges.
That is because we approach the audit with a deep and broad understanding of your business, the industry in which you operate, and the latest regulatory standards. We take into consideration the risks your company faces, the way management mitigate these risks and the transparency of your company’s reporting to stakeholders.
Our relentless focus on quality, independence, transparency and advanced methodology is – like all our services – designed to ensure compliance with professional standards, and accumulate value for your organisation and your stakeholders.